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Foodcode - Портфолио Depot

Across the globe people are more conscious of leading healthy lifestyles, Russian people are no exception. New products labeled as “good” and “healthy” are springing up in Russian supermarkets on a weekly basis. What “goodness” actually means though is ambiguous: sometimes it refers to being low on calories; other times it means being free of preservatives or sugar. Additionally, there is a gaping hole in the Russian market for gluten free products.
Foodcode - Портфолио Depot

Foodcode - Портфолио Depot

Foodcode - Портфолио Depot

Foodcode - Портфолио Depot

Foodcode - Портфолио Depot

Foodcode is a novel brand, bringing a breakthrough solution to the healthy food segment. All of its products are vegan, as well as being gluten and sugar free. The most astounding thing of all: the brand’s first product line consists of exceedingly delicious desserts.

Our task was to create a packaging solution for the desserts that effectively conveys the quantum leap made in this category. To this end, we portrayed the opening of a new dimension of healthy food that appears when the “FoodCode” is inputted. The repetition of the typographic logo forms a pattern that transforms itself in various ways on the packaging, creating the vivid effect of virtual space created by “the Code”, leading us to the real dessert masterpiece found within.

Foodcode - Портфолио Depot

Foodcode - Портфолио Depot

Client: Sapsan
End Date: 02/21/2020

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