Brochure and Annual Report for FRP

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Brochure and Annual Report for FRP - Портфолио Depot

Fond Razvitiya Promyshlennosti was founded in 2014 to modernize Russian industry, organize new production facilities and ensure import substitution. In preparation for the brochure and annual report of FRP, Depot was tasked to demonstrate that the results of the work of the FRP give concrete results for the real sector of the Russian economy, such as an increase in the number of new industries and jobs.

Brochure and Annual Report for FRP - Портфолио Depot

The concept of Prospects for Development and the corporate style of the FRP, developed by Depot earlier, was based on the visual language of the brochure. The concept is expressed in figures that tell about specific achievements and in the through diagonals located on the bands from left to right: psychologically they are read as symbols of the future dynamic growth.

Brochure and Annual Report for FRP - Портфолио Depot

Brochure and Annual Report for FRP - Портфолио Depot

Brochure and Annual Report for FRP - Портфолио Depot

Since the main result of the activity of the FRP is the opening of new factories and productions, we developed the concept of special tabs, based on the design of which there are real photos of new factories and employees whose work was created thanks to the FRP: for clarity and emotionality, their quotes were added.

Brochure and Annual Report for FRP - Портфолио Depot

Brochure and Annual Report for FRP - Портфолио Depot

Brochure and Annual Report for FRP - Портфолио Depot

Andrey Gorodov, Head of the External Communications Department: «We set two goals for Depot: first, that the information was filed visually, conveniently, systematically and at the same time varied so that no one would get bored on the second page of the document. Secondly, it was important for us to reflect our focus on dialogue, on human language communication without official formulations, clerical mandates and cliches. We believe that Depot coped with the task «perfectly» while reflecting our design constructibility — after all, we are just about the development of modern technologies in the industry. We received many compliments on our annual report.»

Brochure and Annual Report for FRP - Портфолио Depot

Brochure and Annual Report for FRP - Портфолио Depot

Brochure and Annual Report for FRP - Портфолио Depot

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