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Oncologica - Портфолио Depot

Oncologica - Портфолио Depot

In august, 2017 Miroslava Sergienko decided to found a social project called “Enormous heart”, after defeating cancer herself. At the age 27, Miroslava was diagnosed with cancer that she had been struggling with for 2,5 years.

Miroslava realized the amount of problems following adult cancer patients and their surroundings, on her own.

Miroslava began to provide assistance privately, gradually involving like-minded people in the team, later the assistance began to be of a professional nature.

The Depot team created brand architecture and platform, new naming and an identity for the Fund. In July 2022, the Foundation gained a new name — Charitable Foundation for Comprehensive Support and Navigation of adult cancer patients "Oncologica" by Miroslava Sergeenko.

Our cooperation with the Foundation began with the participation of the Depot CEO, Alexey Andreev, in the charity auction Meet for charity. The funds received were sent to the "Enormous Heart" Foundation. All rebranding work was carried out free of charge.

“Does your Foundation help people with cardiovascular diseases?”, – this question often appeared because of the old logo and Foundation name “Enormous heart”, — says Miroslava-Olga Sergeenko, — the direction of the Fund's work was not immediately clear. The Foundation was called differently: big, open, clear … heart. We were getting lost against the background of many "hearts" in the charity sector. That’s why we decided to do a rebranding.

Thanks to the work of Depot branding agency, the "Enormous heart" has become "Oncologica". Thanks to Alexey Andreev and the entire Depot team for their professionalism and creativity, for our new bold and confident brand. The new orange identity color symbolizes life and energy, and the new name determines who and how the Foundation helps. The Fund’s sub-brands have appeared for a more understandable positioning of all types of assistance and activities of the Fund. We have become an ecosystem to make it easier to scale projects and develop. When a person is faced with an oncodiagnosis, a route map should appear in his head in order to act immediately. The Oncologica Foundation provides comprehensive support and navigation to adult cancer patients throughout Russia," Miroslava tells.

Oncologica - Портфолио Depot

Oncologica - Портфолио Depot

The positioning that we developed sounds like: comprehensive onco-navigation. At the moment when a person learns his diagnosis, he is overwhelmed with fears, anxieties, guesses, a feeling of helplessness. In this flow, the brand becomes a reference point that guides a person in a new world. In addition, the Foundation becomes a driving force, a persistent strong leader who believes in his wards and in their ability to do everything that depends on them.

Everything that Fund employees do gives an opportunity to feel the control over the situation. There is a certain understandable process that every cancer patient should pass through, and the Foundation helps them to go through this path, understanding all the difficulties and inspiring them for every next step.

The natural environment for the foundation is overcoming, playing ahead of the curve, where difficulties or challenges require a quick reaction, courageous and energetic actions.

The brand is ready to take these actions. One of the main goals is to make sure that everyone has the opportunity to determine the development of the disease.

Naming "Oncologica" — emphasizes the decisive, leadership, firm character and the consistency that we have put into positioning.

The foundation's mission is to unite society to help cancer patients and their loved ones.

The architecture we have proposed helps to navigate the products and capabilities of the foundation.

We have proposed a corporate identity with bright accent colors. These are points on the map of each patient, each direction has its own shade.

At the same time, in contrast, a photo style with a "human" face is harmoniously inscribed into the identity.

Oncologica - Портфолио Depot

Oncologica - Портфолио Depot

Oncologica - Портфолио Depot

Oncologica - Портфолио Depot

Oncologica - Портфолио Depot

Oncologica - Портфолио Depot

Oncologica - Портфолио Depot

Our team:
Anastasia Tretiakova — executive creative director,
Raushan Sultanov — creative director,
Farkhad Kuchkarov — strategic director,
Semyon Shatylo — creative director,
Anastasia Enhancer — creative director,
Alexander Zhegulov — copywriter,
Alexander Shibaev — designer,
Tamari Sharangiya — strategist,
Milena Apaeva — junior-strategist,
Valeriya Nikitina — project leader,
Evgeny Nikitin — motion-designer,
Daria Vedernikova — head of communications,

Alexey Andreev — CEO,
Anna Lukanina — CEO,
Ksenia Parkhomenko — executive director,
Daria Mukhina — PR-manager.

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