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COOLBREW - Портфолио Depot

Coolbrew is a local brand of cold-brewed coffee and quite a new market direction for Russia. We have developed a creative concept using one minimalistic symbol. The cold brewing coffee technology has found a visual reflection in both naming and design.

COOLBREW - Портфолио Depot

COOLBREW - Портфолио Depot

COOLBREW - Портфолио Depot

The created sign is based on the first two letters of the logo and works as a brand identity. An aluminium can format smoothly combines matte and metallic textures. This combination creates an additional emphasis on the main symbol and makes a can tactile pleasant.
COOLBREW - Портфолио Depot

COOLBREW - Портфолио Depot

Each SKU has a carefully chosen color code: beige for cappuccino, dark-brown for black coffee, green for macha latte and blue for coffee lemonade. Drinks in a line are also differentiated by a special color element. The fine typography on a can contrasts with the massive core symbol, adding premium atmosphere to the design.

COOLBREW - Портфолио Depot

COOLBREW - Портфолио Depot

COOLBREW - Портфолио Depot

Dot on Red Dot festival 2019
Silver on Pentawards festival 2019
Shortlist on ADCR festival 2019
Shortlist on Sreda festival 2019

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