Good Moood Farm

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Good Moood Farm - Портфолио Depot

The Good Moood Farm trademark began its development in 2010, releasing sour-milk products such as kefir and ryazhenka, traditional for East European countries, on the Canadian market. At first, these products were sold in stores oriented primarily to immigrants from the former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe. In the future, thanks to the active promotion in chain stores in several provinces of Canada, kefir Good Moood Farm became widely known among buyers who had no previous idea about the existence of such fermented milk drinks.

Subsequently, it was decided to expand the geography of sales by entering the US market. It was supposed to start in California, which is one of the leaders in the production of milk in the United States, and where the highest quality milk is produced.

Good Moood Farm - Портфолио Depot

Depot was given the task of developing a package design for kefir, which is still a fairly new product for American customers. The developed visual concept meets the brand's values: adhere to an “ecological” approach in production, do not use preservatives and delight customers and their loved ones with high-quality, traditional, tasty products.

The main design element was quite «categorical» heroines — cows, made in the modern sketchy style. The white matte background enhances the laconic design of the packaging and makes it visible on the shelf, and the Real California milk logo placed on the front of the label accentuates the product's link to the region known for its high-quality dairy products. The illustrations are filled with irony — everyone is used to deer sweaters, and our heroines are dressed in similar sweaters, but made in a more original style. Fashionable characters are depicted in sweaters with cows and houses. Such a story cannot go unnoticed.

Good Moood Farm - Портфолио Depot

Alexey Fadeev, Creative Director of Depot: «Portraits of cows are made literally with a pen. This underlines a kind of personal touch. And blue, black and red, which are the most common colors of pens, are just the most common colors in the dairy category of the US market. In addition, we depicted fashion cows: their names are written on the earrings, and the Good Moood Farm logo is “embroidered” on sweaters.»

Good Moood Farm - Портфолио Depot

The start of sales in California took place in 2017 and Good Moood Farm kefir in stylish packaging immediately attracted the attention of buyers. The company began to receive letters in which California buyers noted the very traditional taste of kefir, which markedly distinguishes Good Moood Farm kefir from products of other brands.

Commenting on working with Depot, Good Moood Farm brand representatives noted a varied approach and detailed elaboration in the concepts proposed by the agency, their stylistic identity and accuracy in conveying the brand and product philosophy.

Currently, the American kefir Good Moood Farm has gained distribution outside California, in particular in states such as Washington, Oregon, Nevada. It is planned to start sales in other states of the Western part of the USA, followed by access to the East Coast. In the near future, the product line of the brand in the USA will expand due to new tastes, as well as various packaging formats.

The Good Moood Farm illustrations were marked with silver in the Corporate illustration category at the European Design Awards and were shortlisted at the festival of the club of art directors of Russia.

Good Moood Farm - Портфолио Depot

Client: Good Mood Farm
End Date: 01/31/2019

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