Kotler Awards

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Kotler Awards - Портфолио Depot

The organizers of the Kotler Awards gave Depot the task of emphasizing the prestigious status of the awards and the fact that winners are selected on such a personalized basis: the awards are given to specific individuals, rather than companies or project teams, as is the custom at most advertising and marketing festivals.

Kotler Awards - Портфолио Depot

When we were creating the identity for Philip Kotler's personal marketing award, our attention was drawn by one interesting fact. The famous professor's name is always surrounded by «religious» epithets. His book Principles of Marketing is always called the «Bible» for marketers; and Philip Kotler himself is often introduced as the «icon» of marketing.

These very definitions became the basis of the creative concept. What's interesting, the halo-logo exists only when margining someone's portrait. No matter whether this portrait is a simple photo, a mirror reflection or a real face.

Kotler Awards - Портфолио Depot

Kotler Awards - Портфолио Depot

Kotler Awards - Портфолио Depot

Kotler Awards - Портфолио Depot

Kotler Awards - Портфолио Depot

Kotler Awards - Портфолио Depot

Activity: Events
Client: RAMU
End Date: 02/07/2014

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